WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship
WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship Application Information
The Western New York Volunteer Fireman Association (WNYVFA) is proud to announce the 22nd annual WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship for graduating high school seniors. Awarded in June of 2025, the scholarship(s) will be awarded to first-year students entering an accredited institution of higher learning.
The scholarship is available only to individual members in good standing of the WNYVFA (including the WNY Ladies Auxiliary) and their children. Awardee selection will be based on documented evidence of the applicant volunteer involvement in their community.
Applications for the WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship may be obtained from the following:
David Nedell - WNYVFA Scholarship Committee
WNYVFA Scholarship Application to open the WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship Application.
Along with the completed application, the applicant must include:
- Documentation verifying first term enrollment from the intended institution of higher learning
- Two letters of recommendation; one from a High School teacher/administrator and one from a community leader (fire department officer, church official, etc.)
- A maximum 250-word essay written by the applicant on the subject "The Value of Volunteerism in My Community".
Important Deadline: The completed applications must be postmarked NO LATER than April 11, 2025 at the above address
WNYVFA Memorial Scholarship Background
Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association Memorial Scholarship Background. The idea of a scholarship was initiated with a discussion of a donation from the estate of Past President Elmer Bassett (1955).
Various discussions took place at the quarterly meetings of the WNYVFA during the 1995 year. At the annual meeting in July 1996 of the Association, the scholarship committee was made a standing committee of the Association and was so stated in the by-laws.
The committee is comprised of the following that are appointed by the President on an annual basis:
- First Vice President of WNYVFA
- Second Vice President of WNYVFA
- 5 at large members with at least one being a past President (one of these at large is appointed chairman)
- Treasurer of WNYVFA as an ex-officio member
- Set up fundraising ideas (explained later)
- Submit budget request annually
- Determine dates for mailings and deadlines for return of applications
- Review and select recipients
- Determine dollar amount and number of awards
The scholarship is available only to graduating high school seniors who are either individual members of WNYVFA (including WNY Ladies Auxiliary) or are children of a WNYVFA member (including WNY Ladies Auxiliary)
The scholarship is generally funded by soliciting member organizations of the WNYVFA (attachment 1) for donations, collections taken at WNYVFA meetings, or donations from individuals as memorials or contributions. The WNYVFA has also designated the interest from a CD to be put into the scholarship to assist the value of the award(s). Expenses for stationery, postage, etc. are taken care of by WNYVFA. Donations are forwarded to the Treasurer for deposit and acknowledged as they are received.